About the Journal

Anadolu Social Sciences and Education Journal is a scientific and international "blind-referee" applied journal that accepts studies in the fields of social sciences and educational sciences. Some of the research areas accepted for review in the journal are as follows:

All disciplines within the scope of the Faculty of Education (Educational Sciences, Mathematics and Science Education, Basic Education, Turkish and Social Sciences Education, Special Education, Foreign Language Education, Fine Arts Education, Computer and Educational Technologies, etc.) and fields such as Law, Economics, Business, Communication, Tourism, Fine Arts, Religious Sciences, Psychology, Philosophy, Language and Literature, Folklore, International Relations, Management Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Political Science and Public Administration, etc.

Anadolu Social Sciences and Education Journal is published electronically as four issues per year. The publication months are February, May, August and November. Special issues may be published in the journal in addition to these issues. It is expected that the published studies will establish a relationship with the conceptual, methodological and theoretical literature of the discipline they are related to and contribute to it. In this sense, the journal, which has adopted the principle of announcing original studies to the world, values ​​all kinds of efforts made by academics from different countries. In order to internationalize this importance, the journal accepts studies prepared in Turkish or English.

Anadolu Social Sciences and Education Journal includes scientific research articles, critical review articles, opinion articles, case and project presentations and compilation articles.

Similarity/Plagiarism Report, Copyright Transfer Form, Ethics Committee Permission and Conflict of Interest Declaration Forms must be uploaded for the studies sent to the journal.