Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

The journal "Anatolian Journal of Social Sciences and Education" adopts the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works, the Higher Education Institutions "Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics," and the ethical practices of the "Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)" as its publishing culture. It obliges editors, authors, and reviewers to adhere to ethical principles. Accordingly:

Publisher Principles and Ethical Responsibilities

  • “Anatolian Journal of Social Sciences and Education” accepts works in Turkish and English prepared in the fields of Educational Sciences and Social Sciences.
  • The journal is published electronically twice a year.
  • The review process for articles submitted to the journal takes approximately 60 days. The manuscript is reviewed by at least two referees. Importance is given to obtaining independent referee and editor decisions.
  • The copyright of the works published in the journal belongs to the "Anatolian Journal of Social Sciences and Education" journal. Articles published in our journal are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Non-Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
  • A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is assigned to all published articles as a permanent article identifier.
  • As publication ethics, the journal adopts the principles of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works (1), the Higher Education Institutions Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics (2), and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (3).

1-Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu: 

2-Yükseköğretim Kurumları Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Etiği Yönergesi:

3Committee on Publication Ethics:

Correction and Withdrawal

  • If the author(s) notice an error or mistake in their published or under-review work, they are obliged to perform the article withdrawal procedures.
  • Authors who wish to request the withdrawal of their work under review must fill out the "Withdrawal Form," sign it with the wet signature of each author, scan it, and upload it to the "discussions" section on the journal page. Additionally, they are obliged to send it to the editorial board via email at The Editorial Board will review the withdrawal notification and respond to the author within 15 days at the latest.
  • Articles officially published on the journal's website can be withdrawn. A note titled "Withdrawal," signed by the authors, will be published on the website as part of the next issue.

Conflict of Interest Declaration

Editors prioritize the objective completion of the publication process, taking into account conflicts of interest between authors, referees, and other editors. Additionally, in multi-authored works, the authors declare that there is no "conflict of interest" among them.

Journal Special Issue Publishing Policy

A special issue may be published once a year upon the request of the Journal Editorial Board. Articles submitted for inclusion in the special issue are first subjected to the preliminary review of the field editors. Articles deemed appropriate for the purpose and scope are sent for peer review.

Ethical principles and other issues related to the Editorial Policy that concern editors, referees and authors are given under the headings.


  • Develop policies for the determination and development of the journal's publication principles.
  • When necessary, check whether studies in their field comply with ethical principles and intellectual property rights.
  • In case of a disagreement among referees, the editor assigns the article to a third referee for evaluation. If deemed necessary by the Chief Editor, the relevant study is submitted for the evaluation of the field editor. In this case, the field editor provides their opinion by joining the review process.
  • Take initiatives to include academics from different countries in the refereeing process to ensure the journal gains an international identity and standard.
  • Develop policies to ensure the journal is included in national and international indexes and databases.
  • Follow international developments in refereeing and publishing.
  • Anatolian Journal of Social Sciences and Education is an open-access journal. Editors should not request any fees for their contributions during the process.
  • Editors and members of the editorial board are considered to have accepted the journal's ethical principles and publication policy.
  • Members of the editorial board, including editors, are permitted to publish in the journal. However, they are not eligible to assume any editorial responsibilities for the issue in which they have submitted an article for publication.


  • Should not direct personal criticisms towards the work they are reviewing. Subjective judgments, including those about the author, should not be included in referee reports. Findings should be based on concrete reasons.
  • Should not accept the refereeing of works outside their area of expertise.
  • Should not share any information about the work with third parties during and after the review process.
  • Should clearly state the deficiencies and errors of works found unsuitable for publication (rejected) with concrete reasons.
  • Should complete the evaluation of the work within the allotted time to avoid negatively impacting the author and the journal.


  1. Should appropriately cite the original findings (ideas, methods, data, etc.) of others according to scientific rules.
  2. Should not include fabricated or falsified data in the study.
  3. Should not falsify research records or obtained data for personal gain.
  4. Should not divide the results of a study into parts and publish them in multiple publications inappropriately, disrupting the integrity of the research.
  5. Should not include persons, institutions, or organizations that have not contributed actively to the study.
  6. For research conducted on humans and animals after 2020, "Ethics Committee" approval must be obtained. For information on TR index ethical rules, see:
  7. Should not harm the ecological balance in research and experiments.
  8. Should not engage in studies contrary to the provisions of international agreements to which Turkey is a party concerning relevant research and experiments.


Authors are obliged to consider the explanations in the "Plagiarism Policy" section of the journal's "Author Guide" heading. Authors are considered to have accepted all the issues specified in the journal's plagiarism policy and are responsible for complying with them.

Complaints, Requests, and Suggestions

If you encounter any unethical situation beyond the principles and responsibilities mentioned above or have requests and suggestions related to the journal's scope, please report them via email to